Friday, April 24, 2009

Salad Table Sprouts, Hardening Off

The Mesclun lettuce seeds I planted in one of the cells of my new salad table sprouted!

Also, I plan to experiment with hardening off today. It's warm and breezy and slightly cloudy, so I'm going to move some of the plants in my indoor mini-greenhouse to the outdoor mini-greenhouse on the south-facing side of my house. I'm not sure if I'm going to leave them there from now on or bring them inside at night. I imagine the greenhouse cover will keep them from going into shock from cold nighttime temps and/or extreme weather (as long as the light greenhouse doesn't blow over!). We'll see how the weather goes over the next few days. I'm eager to harden off my seedlings, as I'll be traveling in early May and I'm afraid that they'll dry up while I'm gone if I leave them inside. What to do???

Another project for this beautiful day: finishing removal of the "ditch lilies" on the southern side of my house, grading away from the foundation with a mix of dead leaves, compost, and vemiculite, and then planting my patch of herbs, onions, chives, garlic and shallots on top.

And I still need to order my hardwood mulch for this year!

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